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Electrical And Electronic Engineering


Access Engineering is an engineering reference tool for professionals, academics, and students which provides access to critical, regularly updated engineering reference information.

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Aerospace Research Central Journals

The AIAA is a publisher of cutting-edge journals on aerospace technology, engineering, and science. The Library subscribes to selected titles only.

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ENGINE - Australian Engineering Database

ENGINE comprises of a number of engineering branches including mechanical, civil, electrical, geotechnical, chemical, aerospace, biomedical, marine, military, road and rail and is produced by the Institution of Engineers, Australia. It covers 1980 to present.

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IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library

The IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library - a partnership between IEEE and Wiley & Sons, Inc. - includes practical handbooks, introductory and advanced texts, reference works, and professional books with an emphasis on leading areas of research.

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IEEE Xplore Conference Proceedings

The IEEE Xplore digital library contains full text proceedings from over 1,200 IEEE and IET annual conferences.

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IEEE Xplore Journals

The IEEE Xplore Journal collection includes IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents, and IET journals and magazines. There is backfile to the late 1800s for select titles and weekly updates with more than 20,000 new IEEE/IET articles added each month.

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IEEE Xplore Standards

The IEEE Xplore Standards collection contains thousands of approved and published IEEE standards in key technology fields. Note: the Library's subscription does not include access to the Draft standards.

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IET Digital Library

The IET Digital Library Journals Archive is the complete collection of research journals published by the Institution between 1872 and 1993. This collection covers over 130 years of peer reviewed articles in electrical and electronic engineering, telecommunications, computing, power, control, radar, circuits, materials, and related research in IT. The collection also includes Electronics Letters with archive content available from 1965–1993.

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Inspec is an important and frequently used A&I databases evolved from "Science Abstract" (SA, Science Abstract), started in 1898. It covers the fields of Physical Sciences, most areas of Engineering as well as computing and IT. The contents are sourced from scientific journals published in many countries, publishers and conference proceedings. It has millions of records dated since 1898 with all the contents selected to reflect the quality of the Database. Inspec also provides indexes for users to obtain accurate search on refined subject areas related to chemicals, searches based on specific number or numerical range (important for physicians), astrophysical object search, etc. The Database also offers International Patent Classification (IPC) search for Patent Examiners and Corporate Researchers to plan and pinpoint their research based on the latest patents and future patent development.

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Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science

The Synthesis Digital Library is an information service for the research, development and educational communities in engineering and computer science. The database contains a collection of “lectures”, or self-contained electronic books, that synthesizes an important research or development topic, authored by a prominent contributor to the field. Synthesis organized by series, each managed by a prominent consulting editor. The series editor oversees lecture topic and author selection as well as peer review to assure quality.

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Tech in Asia

Tech in Asia is an English-language technology media company that focuses on Asia. Covering latest news to trends and startups to large established companies, covering everything tech in the region. Tech in Asia connect brands with early adopters via Studios, & their advertising agency unit. They also organize tech conferences and events across Asia, and operate the region’s go-to startup and technology jobs marketplace.

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